DEFRA Launches the ‘Ready to Burn’ Certification for Safer, Drier Wood Fuel

On the 1st of May 2021, the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs took an important and carefully planned step towards improving the environment we all share and the air we breathe.

Wet wood and household coal, two of the most harmful fuels are now being phased out across England in a move designed to encourage householders and businesses to choose cleaner alternatives and to be more aware of the health implications of the harmful smoke that is released by burning them in stoves, wood fired ovens and open fires.

The smoke that is released from burning these wet woods contains high amounts of damaging fine particulate matter; tiny particles that can damage lungs and other organs and have a real impact on the health of those who are exposed to them.

In addition to these obvious health and environmental concerns, there is the added problem caused by burning wet wood, of built up tar deposits which can damage expensive appliances and create a real risk of chimney fires in homes.

In a world that is increasingly environmentally aware in many different aspects of daily life and the impact that inaction can have on both the world around us and our own and our family’s health, many people and businesses are now asking what the safer, greener options might be.

After all, open fires and wood burning ovens and stoves are attractive and popular aspects of many eateries and homes, not to mention considerable investments that add real value to a property and an attractive selling point for many in the hospitality industry.

Ready to Burn; cleaner, safer fuel

DEFRA has taken an important step to tackle these issues with a new certification called ‘Ready to Burn’

Wood that bears the Ready to Burn mark of certification is confirmed to have a moisture content of 20% or less, making it a cleaner burner, safer option by producing less smoke and particulate pollutants as well as being more cost effective and efficient to burn by using less fuel to produce greater amounts of heat.

There are no bigger environmental risks to public health than air pollution, making kiln dried wood the easiest and most common sense solution to improve it quickly. It can take around two years to season dry wood to the same moisture content as the kiln drying process; making kiln dried logs a simple and immediate solution.

Our green philosophy

As a sustainable, forward thinking and environmentally aware business, LogsOnline has made kiln dried firewood and logs an integral part of our service for both commercial and domestic customers. Whether they require kiln dried ash, oak, birch or mixed wood. We also supply a wide range of sizes from nets to barrow bags and from single pallets, all the way up to 50 containers.

Responsible sourcing, trusted reliable deliveries and the best quality kiln dried wood enables us to align our own philosophy with that of DEFRA.

For help and advice on the best kiln dried logs for you, the Ready to Burn certificate and how to correctly store your kiln dried logs, get in touch today, we are always more than happy to help.